
Thursday, October 11, 2012


Sisi Lain Tentang Vaksin MMR..

Henny Zainal
Bismillah. Kemarin ada yg menanyakan soal vaksin MMR yah? Silakan dipelajari apa penjelasan dari Merck sebagai produsen MMR
A critical look at Merck's package insert for the MMR vaccine.

The MMR Vaccine: What the Manufacturer's Insert Tells Us

Alisa Elizabeth King Terry, Yahoo! Contributor Network
With all the controversy surrounding vaccines, it can be difficult to make a decision. The idea of one of our tiny children developing a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine is frightening.
However, are vaccines really the Holy grail they've been promised to be? There are many educated, experienced medical professionals disagreeing on the subject. One place for parent to start might be the makers of the vaccines themselves.

Vaccine Package Inserts
Every vaccine includes a package insert that tells the doctor (and the parent lucky enough to see one) all about the vaccine, including its description, ingredients, purpose, contraindications (under what circumstances one should NOT have the vaccine), and side effects.
Merck is the manufacturer of the commonly used MMR vaccine. MMR stands for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. They provide a copy of the MMR package insert on their website in PDF format, which one can view by clicking here.

MMR Vaccine Ingredients
Under the description we learn that the MMR is made in a medium using chick embryo cell culture. That means the disease is cultivated in eggs. Another potentially allergenic ingredient is gelatin. Anyone with an egg or gelatin allergy will want to avoid having this injected into their blood stream.
We also learn that the Rubella part of the vaccine is grown in human diploid lung fibroblasts. Translation: aborted human embryo tissue.

MMR Vaccine Indications and Uses
Generally, the MMR vaccine is recommended for children starting at 12 months. It is also frequently recommended for women of child-bearing age, since Rubella can cause birth defects. Many women have had the MMR vaccine recommended to them during pregnancy itself as well as immediately after. However, the package insert clearly states that women should only receive the MMR vaccine 3 month prior to actually becoming pregnant.
It also states "Postpubertal females should b informed of the frequent occurrence of generally self-limited arthralgia and/or arthritis beginning 2 to 4 weeks after vaccination."

MMR Vaccine Contraindications
A contraindication is a condition under which receiving the MMR vaccine would be a bad idea, possibly even life threatening. Here, individuals are warned if they are allergic or sensitive to any of the vaccine ingredients, if they are pregnant, if they have any immunosuppressive diseases or a family history of such conditions, or any condition effecting the lymph or bone marrow.
Under the Warnings section, we are told that anyone currently with or who has a family history of convulsions, cerebral injury, or "any other condition in which stress due to fever should be avoided." (Author's note: that's their sentence fragment, not mine).
The Precautions section has an interesting section that nursing mothers who are told to get the Rubella vaccine after giving birth should note. Live Rubella virus has been known to come from some individuals who receive the vaccine 7 to 28 days later. They note that while this means they could theoretically spread Rubella, they don't regard it as a significant risk. However, in the next sentence they state that "transmission of the Rubella vaccine virus to infants via breast milk has been documented."

MMR Vaccine Effectiveness
The last important bit of information under this section of the MMR vaccine package insert is this sentence: "As for any vaccine, vaccination with M-M-R-II may not result in protection in 100% of vaccines."
There is ample documentation of MMR vaccine failure, specifically major outbreaks among highly-vaccinated populations. Blame for the outbreaks is usually placed on the unvaccinated portion of the population, however, the largest percentages of those who become ill are usually the ones who are current on their vaccines. Click here to read a long list of peer-reviewed studies and their summaries concerning this issue.
Some experts are concerned that the Measles, Mumps and Rubella viruses are mutating, but more studies need to be done in order to confirm this.

MMR Vaccine Adverse Reactions
Merck lists the following side effects on their package insert.

atypical measles
diabetes mellitus
regional lymphadenopathy
Anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions
angioneurotic edema
bronchial spasms
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Guillian Barre Syndrome
febrile convulsions
ocular palsies
aseptic meningitis
sore throat
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
erythema multiforme
nerve deafness
otitis media
optic neuritis
retrobulbar neuritis
* Bolded text is bolded by the author

The actual package insert tells a little more about each of these "adverse reactions."
In addition, they make the following statement:"M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility."
For information on adverse reactions reported to the government (warning - the government itself estimates that only 10% of all reactions are actually reported), visit the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
The Autism Controversy
I am no longer "trying to dig up evidence to prove" vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence,--- [July 9, 2006 Blog/letter] Discovering the causes, treatment of autism ----David Ayoub, MD......
This debate is not scientific but is political.
This merits an article unto itself, but an introduction is important here, since the Autism/Vaccine connection is most frequently associated with the MMR.
In June 2005, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote an article published in the Rolling Stone about the connection between rising rates in Autism and the ingredient thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines. He joins a long line of scientists, medical experts, and concerned parents who see a connection, even if the government does not.
"In 1982, the FDA proposed a ban on over-the-counter products that contained thimerosal, and in 1991 the agency considered banning it from animal vaccines. But tragically, that same year, the CDC recommended that infants be injected with a series of mercury-laced vaccines. Newborns would be vaccinated for hepatitis B within twenty-four hours of birth, and two-month-old infants would be immunized for haemophilus influenzae B and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis," he wrote.
He continues, "The drug industry knew the additional vaccines posed a danger. The same year that the CDC approved the new vaccines, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, one of the fathers of Merck's vaccine programs, warned the company that six-month-olds who were administered the shots would suffer dangerous exposure to mercury. He recommended that thimerosal be discontinued, "especially when used on infants and children," noting that the industry knew of nontoxic alternatives. "The best way to go," he added, "is to switch to dispensing the actual vaccines without adding preservatives."
For Merck and other drug companies, however, the obstacle was money."
Currently, most vaccine companies are "voluntarily" removing thimerosal as a vaccine preservative, however, it continues to be used in flu vaccines and vaccines sent out of the country.

Most of this information has come directly from the manufacturer's own package insert for the MMR vaccine. It behooves each parent to consider this information very carefully, since much of it is excluded from the documentation provided by the Center or Disease Control that is given to parents at the time the vaccine is given to their children.

TRANSLATION (Sebagian) dari komen di grup :

Rulita Selly Sentia ---> Under the description we learn that the MMR is made in a medium using chick embryo cell culture. That means the disease is cultivated in eggs. Another potentially allergenic ingredient is gelatin. Anyone with an egg or gelatin allergy will want to avoid having this injected into their blood stream. We also learn that the Rubella part of the vaccine is grown in human diploid lung fibroblasts. Translation: aborted human embryo tissue.>>>> MMR dibuat dgn menggunakan media kultur sel embrio anak ayam, hal ini berarti virusnya dibiakkan dlm telur. Bahan lain yg berpotensi menimbulkan alergi adalah gelatin. Siapapun yg alergi terhadap telur atau gelatin akan menghindari menyuntikkan bahan tersebut ke dalam pembuluh darahnya. Kite juga tahu bahwa Rubella yg merupakan bagian dari vaksin tersebut dibiakkan dari sel paru manusia. Dlm artian : menggunakan jaringan dari embrio manusia yg sengaja diaborsi. >>>itu ttg pembuatannya dulu yaa..
Rulita Selly Sentia ---> selanjutnya ttg indikasi n penggunaannya..biasanya digunakan pada anak2 12 bulan keatas dan ibu2 yg berencana utk hamil,sehubungan dgn rubella yg berpotensi berbahaya pada ibu2 hamil di usia2 awal kehamilan. Selanjutnya ttg kontraindikasinya,harap diperhatikan jika akan disuntikkan pada seseorang g mempunyai riwayat alergi pada bahan2 diatas serta ibu2 hamil,atau seseorang yg punya riwayat kelainan imunitas,ibu menyusui. Lalu efektivitasnya,tidak menjamin 100% melindungi,dan adverse reaction yg mungkin terjadi seperti : Merck lists the following side effects on their package insert. (bisa dilihat di artikel asli di atas)

Dan yg terakhir adalah MMR yg dihubungkan dgn autism,sehubungan dgn penggunaan thimerosal di dalamnya,meskipun bnyk pabrik farmasi yg dgn sukarela menghilangkan thimerosal sbg pengawet dlm vaksinnya,.Conclusion. Most of this information has come directly from the manufacturer's own package insert for the MMR vaccine. It behooves each parent to consider this information very carefully, since much of it is excluded from the documentation provided by the Center or Disease Control that is given to parents at the time the vaccine is given to their children. >>>Jadi informasi ini sebagian besar didapat dari kemasan vaksin MMR yang dikeluarkan perusahaan pembuat vaksin tsb (Merck)

Rulita Selly Sentia---> mungkin bisa jadi referensi juga berkaitan dgn MMR ini,trnyata di pabriknya sendiri byk gonjang-ganjing seputar hasil penelitiannya..>>>  

detikHealth : Dua Mantan Pegawai Tuduh Merck Palsukan Data Vaksin

Jakarta, Setelah menunggu selama dua tahun, akhirnya kasus antara dua mantan ilmuwan sebuah perusahaan farmasi terkemuka dunia, Merck kembali dibuka. Kedua pakar virus ini menuduh bekas perusahaan tempatnya bekerja telah melakukan manipulasi data terkait vaksin bernama MMR. Melalui kerangka hukum Federal False Claims Act, Stephen Krahling dan Joan Wlochowski melaporkan dugaan bahwa produsen vaksin ini sengaja memalsukan data uji vaksinnya dan menambahkan antibodi hewan ke sampel darah yang digunakan untuk menguji vaksin dan menjual vaksin yang ternyata justru meningkatkan terjadinya wabah gondok dan campak di sejumlah wilayah di Amerika Serikat. Berdasarkan tuduhan ini, Merck pun diduga telah merusak kepercayaan pemerintah dan konsumen yang membeli vaksin pereda gondok, campak dan rubella itu, apalagi Merck mengklaim vaksin tersebut 95 persen efektif. Sebenarnya tuduhan penipuan ini sudah dimulai sejak akhir 1990-an. Krahling dan Wlochowski mengungkapkan bagaimana Merck sengaja memalsukan hasil tes vaksin gondoknya dengan menyatakan bahwa tingkat kemanjurannya mencapai 95 persen. Keduanya menduga Merck telah menambahkan antibodi hewan ke dalam tes darah untuk ujicoba vaksin. Padahal antibodi hewan ini justru meningkatkan munculnya antibodi sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia. Selain itu, virus antibodi yang dikembangkan di laboratorium semacam ini tak pernah berkoresponden dengan situasi nyata seperti halnya virus-virus lain yang 'menetralisir' orang-orang yang divaksin. Dengan kata lain, virus buatan Merck tak pernah diujicobakan dengan virus gondok yang ada di alam bebas. Keduanya juga melaporkan bahwa ilmuwan Merck menambahkan antibodi ke dalam sampel darah sehingga memunculkan hasil tes yang lebih menguntungkan. Masalahnya, sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia tidak menghasilkan jenis antibodi semacam itu. Seperti dilansir dari examiner, Jumat (6/7/2012), hal ini memunculkan dugaan lain bahwa vaksin palsu produksi Merck tersebut telah berkontribusi terhadap munculnya wabah gondok di penjuru AS, terutama di wilayah Sacramento, San Fransisco dan Berkeley, California dua tahun sebelumnya dan menyebabkan banyak anak-anak terinfeksi gondok. Kesimpulan ini membuat para konsumen percaya bahwa wabah ini memang disebabkan oleh produk vaksin bermasalah tersebut. Rata-rata konsumen juga cenderung menyimpulkan bahwa vaksin ini membuat wabahnya terus terjadi agar menghasilkan lebih banyak uang bagi perusahaan. Jika penyakitnya benar-benar dihapuskan seperti yang terjadi pada wabah cacar air tahun 1940-an, lalu takkan ada orang yang mau membeli vaksin untuk mengobati penyakit tertentu dan perusahaan takkan menghasilkan keuntungan kecuali ada wabah penyakit baru atau penyakit lama yang datang kembali. Namun terlepas gagasan ini dianggap mitos semata atau fakta, kebenarannya hanya diketahui oleh para pakar virus yang mengembangkan vaksin ini sendiri.
Di sisi lain, manajemen Merck tak pernah menyadari apa yang diungkapkan ujicoba tersebut dan tak tahu-menahu soal tuduhan penipuan yang diajukan kedua mantan pegawainya. Meski begitu, tentu saja Merck membantah semua tuduhan tersebut.

Laksmi Savitri ---> Bun Rulita : kontra indikasinya banyak amat yak :D... btw kl mo suntik vaksin MMR ada uji alergi dulu kah?minimal thd telur ayam ato gelatin td...sbg org awam ngeri aja bayangin efeknya kl ternyata baby yg disuntik itu alergi telur/gelatin :((

Rulita Selly Sentia ---> emang,,syereem ya??gatau bun,mungkin sewajar dan seharusnya dokter menjelaskan hal2 tsb,krn brangkali anak yg mau di njus punya alergi trhadp bahan2 tsb..(informed consent)

Razneen Mansharah---> dokter tdk akan menjelaskan tntng hal tsb. Krn tdk akan berfikiran tdk akan berefek negatif, krn sblmny telah di-doktrin slama akademisi bhw vaksin tdk bahaya. Kcuali bg yg mau belajar lg dng obyektif.

Laksmi Savitri---> Ya informasi dari sisi risk n benefit jg harusnya dibuka seluas2nya. Masalah pilihan akhirnya kembali ke ortu masing2. Makasih bunda Henny atas infonya.

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